Daily practical living/application - Day 14

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that I was not applying myself within my daily practical living/application within the context of the physical and what’s real, instead I was in my ‘mind’ waiting for ‘thoughts’ to come up within me to write about

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that in the waiting for ‘thoughts/points’ to come up within me, I wasn’t truly applying myself to the fullest within my daily practical living, but stuck in my mind ‘waiting to write about points’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see that it’s within my ‘daily practical living’ within the physical reality in which I can sort the bullshit that exists within my ‘mind’ out, where as if I’m not applying myself within my ‘daily practical living’ I am writing just to write, yes it may bring me some form of inner peace/clarity within the moment, but I was not living out  my ‘self forgiveness, self corrective/commitment statements to the best of my ability as I was not applying myself within my ‘daily practical living’ as I was more in my ‘mind’ waiting for ‘thoughts’ to come up within me so I could write those points out

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that it’s within ‘daily practical living’ in which you get to test these points of sf/sc statements out, to see if you are indeed living the change, otherwise you are writing just to write

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘wait’ for ‘thoughts’ to come to me so I could write about it instead of applying myself fully within my ‘daily practical living’ in which if I’m Here, within breath, self honesty and only living within the context of what’s real, these ‘points’ will show themselves, so I could eventually write them out

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into my ‘mind’ to look for ‘points’ to write about, not ‘points’ being shown to me within my ‘daily practical living/application’ but going into my mind to ‘seek out, look’ for points to write about, not realizing that I am just creating more bullshit within myself that I may have to walk a process for at a later date

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that it’s within my ‘daily practical living’ which will show me the ‘points’ that I must deal with, due to my ‘mind participation’ over the years, and the ‘physically manifested consequences’ that came with it, which is shown to me within my daily living habits, patterns , routines, expression, words, reactions

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see just how much I was in my ‘mind’, although I was writing self out, doing my self forgiveness, self corrective/commitment statements, I still lacked much needed structure, I needed much more structure within my ‘daily practical living’ to be able to see these ‘points’ in which I am applying myself now, 

I forgive myself for NOT accepting and allowing myself to that there must be balance, in relation to my self forgiveness/self corrective/commitment statements, and ‘daily physical practical living’ in which I can apply these changes, the changes that I need to stand within and as, instead I was more in my ‘mind’, breathing, waiting, for the next ‘point’ to arise so I could write about it not realizing I was missing myself, here, in the physical, within my daily practical application which is where the REAL changes happen

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to do so much self forgiveness/self corrective/commitment statements , in which I get overwhelmed, like I was taking in too much information at once, but that was due to me not ‘living, here, within my daily practical application’ , day to day, which is where I could apply the changes I’ve written about, but instead I chose to write and write and write, forgetting that I must deal with the points first that directly affect me and my life now, not go into the mind and write about ‘points’ from years back, that I ‘felt’ I must write about, when it has no correlation to what I’m experiencing myself as here in the moment

I commit myself to no longer go into my ‘mind’ to seek out ‘points’ to write about and thus miss the moments in which I can be applying myself in my ‘daily practical  living/application’ due to getting myself into/creating a state of ‘waiting’ for points to come to me to write about when in reality, if I’m living within self honesty, breath, here, day to day, the ‘points’ that must be written about will be shown to me as I have become them due to ‘mind participation’ and the physically manifested consequences in relation to them.

I commit myself to not try to look, seek, find, conjure up ‘points’ within my mind to write about but instead live here, practically, day to day , applying self, in which the points of been ‘looking for’, will be shown to me 

I commit myself to realize that balance is needed in relation to self forgiveness/self corrective/commitment statements, in which I write ‘points’ out, and live and stand within the change needed in relation to those points, and from there move on to the next ‘point’

I commit myself to realize there is a such thing as writing too much, writing about points you are not yet ready to take on and stand as the change, because that is not where I am at in my process 

I commit myself to realize I must focus on the points first that directly affect my physical reality, in which I can see the physically manifested consequences due to my ‘mind participation’, within my daily habits, patterns, routines, reactions, expression

I commit myself to to realize that until I sort certain core ‘points’ that have physical manifested into my life due to ‘mind participation’ before I start to take on ‘points’ I am not yet ready for, nor have the capacity to change as of yet 

I commit myself to bring more focus onto my ‘daily practical living’ and application within breath, self honesty, physical reality , and only that which is real, and what’s best for all.


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