Anger - Day 4

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate In the emotion of anger

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let myself be consumed by anger towards myself and specific people within my life

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating this anger within me through participation in the mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feed the emotion of anger energy through ‘thinking’ this generating energy and attaching this anger to many ideas, beliefs, memories, experiences, comparisons, blame, fears, desires, projections, people, self, judgements

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that participating within anger creates an energetic build up within self, that will physically manifest in various ways if not addressed

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame people outside of myself for this anger I have inside of me towards myself, people and the world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing this anger within me, and pretend it doesn’t have an effect on me, when in reality, the anger will come out eventually whether it be in the form of thoughts or expression or within specific interactions with people

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to underestimate how consequential anger is, as it’s an explosive emotion/energy that will change you and how you experience yourself, HERE, in the physical moment

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not seeing how much illogical/dishonest anger I have towards people, I created the anger from a starting point of dishonesty/energy/mind, and a lot of this anger was formed through participating in thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, ideas, memories

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing, had I applied the tools of self honesty, self forgiveness/self corrective statements and writing self out, I would’ve been able to address it much sooner. Instead I chose to participate within the energy of anger within my mind and if it was towards a specific person, and I had an interaction with that person, none of this anger came out, I did not ‘feel’ the way my mind was projecting towards that person, and it was enough proof for me to see that anger exists within the mind solely to feed the Ego energy

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to beLIEve that the anger I generated within my mind was real and not an entity/form of energy that I specifically created through generating energy in the mind in the form of thoughts 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take out my anger towards specific people in my life within certain reactions, and now looking back, I can admit I was wrong and the sole cause for the discord within those relationships

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create judgements towards myself in relation to my anger, and ask myself ‘why am I so angry all the time’, ‘why can’t I do anything about this anger’, ‘I’m tired of being being angry all the time as it’s taking a toll on my mind and body, but I don’t how else to deal with it, constantly blaming myself and others for this anger. Not realizing that I just did not have the tools in that moment to break down the origin of this self created anger, why/how I created it, which events/experiences caused it, which memories/thoughts/feelings/emotions/beliefs/ideas/projections/fears/worries/concerns am I participating in that’s causing me to ‘feel’ anger

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give up on myself and dealing with my anger in the past, where I just said fuck it, this anger is a part of me and accepted it as me, when in reality, anger is just an emotion to feed the ego where you create justifications as to why you’re right in the view point you created towards yourself/others/the world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize how anger in comparison to the many other emotions that exist, is much more charged, there’s much more consequences if you go to deep into this pattern/energy of anger, in which you might say/do something you genuinely regret.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize the mind will throw out bait in relation to anger In the form of thoughts, memories, ideas, beliefs, judgements, memories, experiences, past/future projections, images, judgements to get a reaction within yourself solely to feed the Ego energy, in which it feeds off thus recreating the cycle of anger in your life

I commit myself to find all the points of anger that exists within me, towards myself, specific people and the world and ALL the ideas, beliefs, feelings, emotions, desires, comparisons, past/future projections, fantasies, judgements, fears, worries, concerns, pictures, memories, experiences

I commit myself to find the origin of all the anger that exists within me in relation to people outside of me who I ‘feel’ is the reason I have this anger within me

I commit myself to not react to any form of anger that comes up within, and Breathe, realize it’s just a moment in which the ego desires energy, and when committing to process this will happen, where the mind will throw bait at you to get a reaction so you participate within this energy, but the goal is to always breath through this energy, remain here, physically and focus on physical tasks/goals that must get done regardless of what you ‘feel’ inside of your mind

I commit myself to no longer project my anger into other people as I am the self directive principle , I am the creator of this anger, any anger that exist within me, has been my doing and my creation, I chose to participate in it, so blaming, ‘feeling’ like anyone outside of myself is the cause/reason is delusion

I commit myself to figure out who I have created anger towards as the point of anger is different towards certain people, there are people in my life who I have created much more anger towards and there fore participating in forming/creating much more back chat in relation to that person, and I need to know why, how, what do I hold inside of me in relation to them where I hold much anger towards them within my mind

I commit myself to no longer avoid/suppress this anger within me as this is an emotion I participated in for many, many years and it took time to create this energetic build up within me , thats within me in the  many forms of thoughts that exists. So it will take an equal process of walking through this, a process of letting go, discharging the energy, finding the origins of this energy , see where this specific energy of anger exists in my life 

I commit myself to longer feed the Ego the energy of ‘anger’ that it desires, feeds off, thus creating a never ending cycle, I commit myself to break this cycle as this is a pattern/habit I no longer want to participate in as it has consumed me in the past

I commit myself to free myself of this energetic attachment ‘anger’ has within me, in which I can feel it in my body still, and this system of ‘anger’ gets activated in very specific scenarios/forms of thought, I commit myself to allow myself to put myself in similar scenarios/situations to test if I am indeed honest and transcending these behavioural patterns through my thoughts, words, deeds


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