Laziness - Day 3

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in laziness and living out laziness in different aspects of my life

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see how laziness can cause things like postponement , regret, and wasted time you can’t get back

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get stuck in the pattern/habit of laziness in which it affects how my life currently is now, in which I realize all the missed opportunities I didn’t take action on because I would ‘feel’ lazy in the moment and decide to do it later in which I never ended up doing said thing

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to accumulate laziness In which it manifested in areas like work, health, relationships and my thought patterns and the very way I think, which also became lazy

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become consumed by my laziness in which I needed external experiences to snap me out of it and some of those experiences not being something I want to experience ever again

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see how my laziness not just affects me but the people around me 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize a ‘feeling’ like laziness if participated in long enough, can cause me to feel emotions  such as depression as I end up participating in the ‘feeling’ of laziness for so long, that the consequences of me not standing up for my life were me not living the life I actually wanted to experience, but due to participating in that ‘feeling’ so consistently , it became hard to break that habit/pattern

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see the longer I participate within laziness the harder and harder it becomes to break out of he pattern as it becomes a lived habit, which will infect all aspects of my life

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to suppress myself within my laziness, in which I didn’t want to stand up and take action for my own life and create a much more enjoyable experience within and outside of myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating emotions such as self judgement, self hate, anger, annoyance within and towards myself due to my participation in laziness in which looking back at my life in hindsight, it brings up these emotions because I knew I had the choice not to participate in laziness

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make excuses for my laziness, blaming people around me, pretending it’s not that bad, deluding myself into thinking things were right when they really weren’t , which shows the delusion of the mind and what it can create if you ‘think’, and participate in thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, ideas, pat/future projections, desires, memories

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself and become angry at myself for not stopping this pattern sooner as there has been a lot of missed opportunities in my life due to my participation within laziness

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that laziness is a construct of the mind and it’s created within the mind through participation, laziness is always something that can be transcended through physical movement and focusing on the physical , physical reality and what’s real, Not focusing on a ‘feeling’ in the mind but physical action in relation to your life and what you actually have to get done in terms of personal goals/work/education/process

I commit myself to stop my participation within laziness which exists in my mind in the way I think and the physically manifested habits I created and now live due to this laziness/mind participation

I commit myself to see in which aspects laziness exists whether it be in the way I think, education, work, relationships, health, personal goals,

I commit myself to change any habits/patterns that have  the starting point of laziness in my life and change it to motivation/physical action/getting things done/not wasting anytime/just starting/stopping avoidance in relation to things I will have to get done regardless

I commit myself to no longer judge myself and create emotions/feelings towards myself and the past and what participating in laziness has caused me in my life

I commit myself to not judge other people if they ask participate In this pattern

I commit myself to see exactly what areas in my life laziness still exists and change those bad habits into good habits

I commit myself to not avoid laziness and face it head on because anytime I’ve participated within laziness, there has always been manifested consequences which is proof that laziness is a ‘feeling’ that you want to avoid because you will be regretful for the wasted time that you can’t get back

I commit myself to instead of live the word ‘laziness’ I will live the words ‘physical action’, in which I take action for the things I avoided due to laziness


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