Fear - Day 7

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘feel’ and experience ‘fear’ within my mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create/participate within ‘fear’ in my mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and what I was manifesting within my life within my participating, and creating ‘fears’ within my mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘fear’ the ‘fears’ that I have already created within my mind as thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, worries, concerns, memories, experiences, past/future projections, images, comparisons, judgements 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see that it was ME that was creating these fears through participation within the mind/energy and not something outside of me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘judge’ myself for the ‘fears’ I have already created, manifested, project on to others

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself how a ‘feeling’ like ‘fear’ if taken to far, can absolutely ruin your experience of who you are within a moment as expression

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see to what extent I was participating within ‘fear’ as a constant reoccurring cycle

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for letting these ‘fears’ I’ve created within and without , affect my living , here, in the moment as breath, as many of these ‘fears’ I created come up in my mind in the form of thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, ideas, memories, past/future projections, comparisons, desires, images, worries, concerns, doubts 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow myself to be consumed by the ‘fears’ I have created

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see how it’s been years of participation within this one emotion of ‘fear’ has caused havoc in my life and relationships

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not seeing and realizing that a lot of these ‘fears’ I created weren’t logical, they were not based what was actually going on in my life at the moment I created, but ‘projections’ I was creating, turning the wheels of the mind in which I sat down and chose to participate in these ‘feelings’ thus overtime creating them and manifesting them

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not address my ‘fears’ sooner as the ‘fear’ consumed me, and I would avoid Looking within myself from the starting point of self honesty, breath, and see why I created it, what are the origins, what are the root causes of these fears

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘think’ anyone outside of me is responsible for any fear that exists WITHIN ME, as I was the sole creator of this fear, I created every point of fear that exists within

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘judge’ myself harshly, and create emotions like depression, sadness, self hate, anger, annoyance towards myself for creating these ‘fears’ within me, in which I did not have the tools to address the magnitude of what I was doing to me and myself within. Not having the tools to address these fears , allowed them to build, create momentum, making it into a daily pattern/habit I lived in which I would ‘think’ about ALL the fears I could conjure up in my mind, and ‘react’ to them, attaching ideas and beliefs to them, attaching images/memories/experiences/projections, creating energetic attachments to them, in which when they would come up within me, in a moment, I would ‘feel’ extreme discomfort/stress/uncontrollable emotions

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘think’ something was wrong with me for creating these fears, thus comparing myself to people who I assumed didn’t ‘feel’ these fears, when in reality you can’t EVER predict what’s going on in another persons mind, trying to predict, ‘think’ what another has going on in their mind In Relation to Fear

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that people outside of yourself can also cause ‘fear’ within you,  project their ‘fears’ on to you whether it be your parents, friends or the world in general. That’s why the tools of breath, self honesty, self forgiveness, self corrective statements are crucial, as when this happens, you will be able to break the situation down within self honesty, and see what’s coming up within you, and address the problem directly, in the moment, instead of letting ‘fear’ linger on within you for how ever long

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see that I allowed other people outside of myself to create ‘fear’ within me, including the self created ‘fears’ that i was already participating in, in which I can now see in hindsight, how I became extremely overwhelmed in many moments of my life in the past, in which I had no answer or solution to it, but to go back into my own mind/pattern of ‘thinking’ where I would generate more energy/thoughts in relation to these fears, thus creating a never ending cycle, which I refuse to participate in any longer

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see what ‘fear’ can cause if participated within long enough, you can ruin good relationships, avoid trying to achieve any goals you have, not try new things, avoiding people, create self limitations, create unnecessary ideas, beliefs about yourself, the people around you and the world

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see and realize, that there is a way out of this constant, reoccurring, non stop cycle of generating the energy/emotion of ‘fear’ within, that is to STOP, breath, be brutally self honest with yourself, and apply the tools of self forgiveness. Find, seek out the origin of these ‘self created fears’, see what caused them, what experiences, was it something someone said, was it someone outside of yourself, was it self created ? Is it due to a specific traumatic experience, is it from you sitting down participating within the mind and creating your own ‘fears, doubts, worries, concerns’ ? 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to beLIEve that sorting, fixing, clearing, cleansing myself of all the ‘self created fears’ that I have existing within me wasn’t possible

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘think’ that there was no way out of this constant, reoccurring cycle of creating/generating energy in relation to ‘fear’ and that I would just merely have to accept these ‘fears’ I have existing within me that I created all in a point of ego, dishonesty, distrust, lack of support, energy, mind participation

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to only now realize that it is truly my duty to sort all these bullshit ‘self created fears’ out of me, and there’s no one else that can do it for me, I am the sole creator of many of these fears, and expecting help from others to sort this out for me isn’t possible, as I hold the Key, the answers as to how these ‘fears’ were created, why I created them, the root causes, the specific experiences, specific memories/traumatic experiences, the specific ideas and beliefs I hold in relation to myself and the world, only I can sort this out for myself as I now know I have the ability, the tools, the courage to finally address  these ‘points of fear’ that I’m responsible for. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not trust in the tools of breath, brutal self honesty, self forgiveness, self corrective statements, as these ‘self created fears’ I participated in, generated energy towards, created energetic attachment towards took a process to create, I will now walk the process of remaining here in within Breath, Self Honesty, apply the equality equation of 1 + 1 = 2, apply/realize how the physical reality really functions, become the physical mind, in which I start to sort these ‘fears’ out 1 by 1, point by point, to cleanse myself of all the ‘fears’ I created, to regain/gain the clarity needed to continue to walk the process, and to no longer live ‘fear’ within the mind as a system/pattern/habit/construct

I commit myself to participating within ‘fear’ in my mind and ‘self created fears’ in which I sit, ‘think’ and create/form what ever ‘fears’ I want in that moment 

I commit myself to stop creating any new ‘fears’ through mind participation within ego/energy

I commit myself to not avoid any ‘fears’ I have steady created within the past that I live in my present

I commit myself to find the root causes/starting points of ALL the ‘fears’ that exist within me

I commit myself to not recreate any ‘fears’ of the past

I commit myself to stop living ‘self created fears’ in the past in which I now live in the present

I commit myself to stop ‘feeling’, ‘thinking’ as if all these ‘fears’ I created within a starting point of dishonesty, ego, mind participation are REAL, to when they aren’t, it was created within a time I did not have the proper tools/abilities to realize what I was doing exactly, not realizing the consequences/manifested consequences that would come within the participation of ‘fear’

I commit myself to not longer allow my ‘past fears’ dictate how I live, express, move in my current physical reality 

I commit myself to no longer take in the ‘fears’ of the people around me

I commit myself to no longer suppress any of the ‘fears’ I have created it, and bringing them to the fore front to address, deal with, cleanse myself of all attachments/energetic attachments

I commit myself to not ‘judge’ myself in relation to any of the ‘fears’ I have created or manifested

I commit myself to stop the habit/pattern that manifested within my life as a constant reoccurring, recreation of past ‘fears’ within ‘mind participation’, living it out like a never ending cycle

I commit myself to realize that it’s only within, breath, here, as the moment, I can sort these ‘fears’ out as when I am not aligned within breath, self honesty, self forgiveness, the physical, applying the equality equation and how the physical reality, in fact functions without ‘energy’, that I will indeed go into the mind, as when you are not, here, as breath within the physical, participant within following the guidelines of the physical, applying all the tools gifted, you will indeed be up there in your ‘mind’, thus not here in physical reality

I commit myself to see and realize that if I continue to participate within ‘generating fear’ within my mind through mind participation, energy participation, I will not have inner peace, clarity, self trust

I commit myself to do everything I have within myself to overcome all the ‘fears’ , and ‘self created fears’ I have existing within me, and which that has already manifested in my life, I will no longer allow my ‘mind’ to determine the state of my being, here, in the moment as breath.


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