Anxiety - Day 12

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create ‘anxiety’ within myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to to think this self created ‘anxiety’ was real, inside of me, all of which was created due to participating within my ‘mind/thoughts’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing me to not see how much ‘anxiety’ I have created within myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give into this ‘feeling’ of ‘anxiety’ in which it ‘feels’ like I almost can’t move or feel hampered in my movement 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘participate’ within ‘anxiety’ and the ‘feeling/emotion’ of ‘anxiety’ to the point it almost feels crippling in certain instances. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this ‘feeling’ of ‘anxiety’ to become a habit/system/pattern/construct, in which I participated in this ‘feeling/emotion’ for years

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be consumed by my ‘anxiety’ and allowing ‘anxiety’ to affect my decision making skills in the moment 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see, there has been many instances in which I created ‘anxiety’ towards a specific person/situation, and once in that situation/experience, this ‘anxiety’ didn’t exist or I didn’t experience it in the moment, which is further proof it was created/manifested due to ‘mind participation’, in which I now see clearly within self honesty

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘believe’ this ‘anxiety’ had power over me, my being, and my expression, when in reality I manifested this ‘self created anxiety’ , through the action of ‘participating within thoughts’, in which I participated within specific ‘thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, ideas, fears, worries, doubts, judgements, memories, comparisons, projections, images’, which lead me to creating/forming this ‘anxiety’ within me which didn’t always exist, but due to participating within it in my ‘mind’, I manifested the shit ‘feelings’ of anxiety 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see/realize that if continue to participate within this ‘habit/pattern/design’ of ‘anxiety’, it will only feed that ‘system’ more ‘energy’, thus giving it more ‘power’ , influence over how i’m experiencing myself within the current moment 

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to give myself the chance to not participate within ‘self created anxiety’, in which in any experience/situation I put myself into, I tend to go back to the ‘habit/pattern’ of going into the ‘what ifs, fears, worries, doubts, concerns, projections, judgements’ in which if participated within long enough, it generates enough ‘energy’ to create the ‘feeling’ of ‘anxiety/nervousness’ 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for ‘judging’ myself for creating this ‘anxiety’ within me, in which I created ‘feelings/emotions’ of ‘anger, annoyance, guilt’ towards myself because I did not know what I was doing or how I was creating that shit inside of me, I accepted it to be a part of me, like it was natural and that majority of humans experience the same thing in the same ways, when in reality they don’t, 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ‘judge’ this self created ‘anxiety’ within me from the starting point of my ‘mind’ instead of looking at it within the starting point of self honesty, breath, self forgiveness and how the physical reality actually functions. Now realizing I created this ‘anxiety’ in a point in my life where I did not have the tools to break down how and why I was experiencing this ‘anxiety’, and that it was created specifically due to ‘mind participation’, generating specific ‘thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, ideas, judgements, fears, worries, concerns, doubts, memories’ in relation to myself, people and the world, which manifested as the experience of ‘anxiety’ in a moment, which I do not want to create/or participate in anymore

I commit myself to no longer create ‘anxiety’ within myself due to ‘mind participation’

I commit myself to not beLIEve or trust any of the ‘anxieties’ I created within the starting point of ‘dishonesty, mind, ego’ that exist within me that may come up within specific moments

I commit myself to realize all of the ‘anxiety’ I ever created within me was specifically due to me ‘thinking’  and participating within thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, ideas, judgements, fears, worries, concerns, doubts, past/future projections, images, 

I commit myself to walk through the ‘resistance, feelings’ of ‘anxiety’ that do come up within me due to past ‘mind participation’, and Breath, be here within breath, within each individual moment, in breath, ‘anxiety’ doesn’t exist, it can’t exist, as ‘anxiety’ is a self created ‘emotion/feeling’ due to forming ‘ideas, beliefs, judgements’ about self, others and the world 

I commit myself to not become overwhelmed by any ‘reoccurring anxieties’ I have 

I commit myself to do what ever necessary to walk through the experience of ‘anxiety’ as in the past, I have avoided doing certain things, people, addressing my inner reality, due to this ‘anxiety’

I commit myself to no longer ‘feel’ or ‘think’ that having ‘anxiety’ within you is normal behaviour or a normal occurrence as it’s not, it’s all self created and unnecessary 

I commit myself to no longer seek out ‘anxiety’ 

I commit myself to no longer allow anyone outside me to create ‘anxiety’ within me

I commit myself to not be ‘addicted’ to the experience of ‘anxiety’

I commit myself to not project my ‘anxieties’ on to other people as it’s my creation and my responsibility to sort within myself, in all the facets it exists within me


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